UK's Dahlia d'Arge Named Marshall Scholar
The UK Office of Nationally Competitive Awards announced today that history senior and Army ROTC cadet Dahlia d'Arge has been named a 2015 Marshall Scholar.
The UK Office of Nationally Competitive Awards announced today that history senior and Army ROTC cadet Dahlia d'Arge has been named a 2015 Marshall Scholar.
Drew Myers is a psychology major and award-winning Army ROTC cadet whose hobbies range from hunting and fishing to playing the ukulele. His primary academic and professional interest is in the field of human factors – a combination of human psychology and product design.
Cadet Spotlight by Jason Kazee
Keep moving forward. Words such as these can get you through daily challenges, lifelong struggles, or even just around the next corner. Though these words are not found in the United States Army Code of Conduct, soldiers and civilians alike can rely on them. Cadet Battalion Commander Brennan Parker depends on them to carry him through whatever may lie ahead.
by Robin Roenker
Oluwaseye “Mary” Awoniyi has always known she wanted to be a soldier and a lawyer. Since the age of 12, she’s had her sights set on joining the prestigious ranks of the Army’s elite JAG Corps.